Which Facts About the Human Body Are True?
Which Facts About the Human Body Are True?
How well do you know your own body?
How well do you know your own body?

We are experts in many things: technology, films, music but... do you even know your own body? Yes, human bodies are amazing and they have curiosities and details we could have never even imagine. We're not kidding when we say it's something GREAT. Take an example: our eyes move around 100k times a day! Awesome, right? Take this quiz to learn which of these things are true!
What Do You Know About the Human Heart?
We are born with 300 hundred bones but then we ended up having 206
How many eyelashes do we have in each eye?
How many kilometers of veins do we have in our body?
The longest organ in our body is...
How many filters does your kidney have?
The only thing about our body that NEVER stops growing is...
We have 4 trillion cells in our body
A man produces about 10 million sperms a day
Which is the strongest muscle we have?
Which one of these is true about our ear wax?
Which one of these is true about smelling?
How many times does your heart beat in a day?