What SHOULD your sign be?
What SHOULD your sign be?
Do you ever feel like your horoscope has it wrong? Many people do not identify with their birth given zodiacal sign. Take the quiz to find out with which sign you actually identify!
Do you ever feel like your horoscope has it wrong? Many people do not identify with their birth given zodiacal sign. Take the quiz to find out with which sign you actually identify!
Your best friend needs advice. You:
You are running late for an important meeting. You:
What emotion does this image make you feel?
You get deployed to a war zone. You:
What was your favorite subject in school?
Pick your poison:
What color makes you feel comforted?
Pick the three words that describe you most:
You should be an ARIES. There are certain characteristic traits which mark an Aries separate from the other zodiac signs. Aries are known for their strength and courage. You face the obstacles of life without fear. The power that characterizes the ram is also often its weakness. Aries live by courage and, like you, they are good leaders. You take a very straight forward approach towards life and face it head long. Your friends would say your best qualities include: Independence, Generosity, Optimism, Enthusiasm and Courage.
Ruling Planet: Mars
You should be a TAURUS. There are certain characteristic traits which mark a Taurus separate from the other zodiac signs. The Taurus is symbolized by the bull, which reflects power and strength. But don’t let the raging bull confuse you, you Taureans can be very gentle and tender in your nature. You face the obstacles of life with determination. Taurus live by stability and, like you, they are excellent explorers and friends. You take a very practical approach towards life and face it as it is. Your friends would say your best qualities include: Persistence, Generosity, Self-Dependence, Hard Working Nature and Reliable.
Ruling Planet: Venus
You should be a GEMINI. There are certain characteristic traits which mark a Gemini separate from the other zodiac signs. The Gemini is symbolized by the twin, which reflects duality in character. But don’t let the dual personality confuse you, Geminis can be very good communicators by nature. You adapt to the obstacles of life with logic. Gemini live by rationality and, like you, they are excellent listeners when it comes to emotional matters. You take a very practical and energetic approach towards life and face it as it is. Your friends would say your best qualities include: Energetic, Intelligent, Creative, Witty and Adaptable.
Ruling Planet: Mercury
You should be a CANCER. There are certain characteristic traits which mark a Cancer separate from the other zodiac signs. The Cancer is symbolized by the crab, which reflects a tough outer layer, but inside an emotional creature exists. Cancers can be very family-oriented by nature. You adapt to the obstacles of life with your cunning and intelligence. Cancer live by unpredictability and, like you, they can experience rapid mood shifts. You take a very loyal and open approach towards life and face it as it is. Your friends would say your best qualities include: Dependable, Economical, Romantic, Leadership and Trustworthy.
Ruling Planet: The Moon
You should be a LEO. There are certain characteristic traits which mark a Leo separate from the other zodiac signs. The Leo is symbolized by the Lion, which reflects power and majesty. Leos can be very warm-spirited by nature. You adapt to the obstacles of life with your ambition and caution. Leos live for power and, like you; they can be bold and influential. You take a very confident and determined approach towards life and face it as it is. Your friends would say your best qualities include: Ambition, Loyalty, Hopeful, Kind and Encouraging.
Ruling Planet: The Sun
You should be a VIRGO. There are certain characteristic traits which mark a Virgo separate from the other zodiac signs. The Virgo is symbolized by the Virgin, which reflects purity. Virgos can be very cautious by nature. You adapt to the obstacles of life with your keen sense of what is right and wrong. Virgos live for stability and, like you; they can be observant and attentive. You take a very skeptical and analytical approach towards life and face it as it is. Your friends would say your best qualities include: Dependability, Logical, Attention to Detail, Caring Nature and Trustworthiness.
Ruling Planet: Mercury
You should be an AQUARIUS. There are certain characteristic traits which mark an Aquarius separate from the other zodiac signs. The Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer, which reflects vulnerability and universality. Aquarius’ can be very good communicators by nature. You adapt to the obstacles of life with your keen sense of intelligence and ability to pick things up quickly. Aquarius’ live for originality and, like you; they can be clever and obstinate. You take a very creative and unique approach towards life and face it as it is. Your friends would say your best qualities include: Intelligence, Innovative, Honesty, Inquisitive Nature and Spontaneity.
Ruling Planet: Saturn
You should be a SCORPIO. There are certain characteristic traits which mark a Scorpio separate from the other zodiac signs. The Scorpio is symbolized by the scorpion, which reflects instinct and danger. Scorpios can be diplomatic and adventurous by nature. You adapt to the obstacles of life with your keen sense of intuition and sensitivity. Scorpios live for emotion and, like you; they can be mysterious and dynamic. You take a very resourceful and passionate approach towards life and face it as it is. Your friends would say your best qualities include: Mental Strength, Loyalty, Attractive, Dominating Nature and Devotion.
Ruling Planet: Mars