Only People From Generation X Will Be Able To Get 10/10 On This Nostalgic Quiz
Only People From Generation X Will Be Able To Get 10/10 On This Nostalgic Quiz
Were you born between the years 1965 and 1980? If're a generation Xer and will probably totally ace this quiz. Try your hand at this tricky trivia quiz that you would have had to be alive at the time to get right.
Were you born between the years 1965 and 1980? If're a generation Xer and will probably totally ace this quiz. Try your hand at this tricky trivia quiz that you would have had to be alive at the time to get right.
Only People From Generation X Will Be Able To Get 10/10 On This Nostalgic Quiz
On November 17, 1981, approximately 30 million Americans turned on their televisions to watch which couple get married?
Which of these is not the nickname of one of the ghosts featured in the Pac-Man video game?
Imelda Marcos, who in 1986 was forced into exile with her husband, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, was widely mocked for her collection of a rumored 7,500 what?
Which of these songs from Michael Jackson's legendary 1982 "Thriller" album was not released as a single?
According to "A Guidebook to All That Is Truly Masculine" the subtitle of a book published in 1982, real men don't eat what?
In a July 1988 concert in East Berlin, this musician told the crowd, in German: "I've come to play rock 'n' roll for you in the hope that one day all the barriers will be torn down."
The 10-week Falklands War was a 1982 clash between the United Kingdom and what country?
Michael Moore's 1989 documentary "Roger & Me" largely focuses on the economic troubles facing which industrial city that was also his birthplace?
What '80s sitcom largely took place inside the governor's mansion in an unidentified U.S. state?
Cabbage Patch Kids, among the most sought-after toys of all time, were originally called what?