What Is The Movie Title Of Your Life?

If your life was a movie, what would it be called? Take this movie title quiz to find out!

Sara Maniscalco
Created by Sara Maniscalco
On Jan 2, 2019
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How old are you?

What industry do you work in?

Pick a song to listen to:

Pick a classic movie:

What are you struggling with right now?

Who's your favorite director?

Do you prefer comedy? Or Drama?

Pick a movie star to befriend:

The movie title to your life is...The Mommy Returns

The movie title to your life is...The Mommy Returns

You're in the thick of parent-hood right now and your life revolves around your kids. Sometimes it's scary, other times it's fun. Most of the time though, your life is like a full-on drama.

The movie title to your life is...Love Is In The Air

The movie title to your life is...Love Is In The Air

Your life sometimes feels like a classic rom-com. You're very focused on your romantic life right now. Everywhere you go, a trail of rose petals and birds follows.

The movie title to your life is...Everything Is Awesome

The movie title to your life is...Everything Is Awesome

Your life is just awesome right now. You might as well have the Lego Movie theme song playing on repeat because you're really feeling good right now. You're happy with your career, relationships and personal life. Good for you!

The movie title to your life is...The Change-Up

The movie title to your life is...The Change-Up

Your life is like a classic, switch-up movie. Think "Freaky Friday" and "Face-Off". There are days where you just don't feel like yourself.

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