Which Civilization Were You A Part Of In A Past Life?
Which Civilization Were You A Part Of In A Past Life?
Did you use to live in Ancient Egypt? What about Atlantis? Take this quiz and we'll tell you which civilization you were a member of. It might surprise you!
Did you use to live in Ancient Egypt? What about Atlantis? Take this quiz and we'll tell you which civilization you were a member of. It might surprise you!

Which of the four elements do you feel most drawn to?
Which of these animals do you most relate to?
Which of these landscapes would you want to live in?
Pick a crystal to harness energy from:
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Have you ever seen a UFO?
Which of these sacred sites would you choose to visit?
Which of these celestial bodies are you most interested in?
You were... an ancient Egyptian
You were... an ancient Egyptian
According to your answers, you were an ancient Egyptian in your past life. You lived at the time of great pharaohs, Cleopatra and the Sphinx! If we had to guess, we'd say you're more of a cat person than a dog person. Are we right?
You were... an Atlantean
You were... an Atlantean
Atlanteans were essentially wiped from the earth a long time ago when they were swallowed up by the sea. Atlantean have a natural intuition about them as well as an affinity with the water. Does that sound like you?
You were... an ancient Martian
You were... an ancient Martian
Did you know that martians used to walk the Earth? Well, that's what legend says at least. As an ancient martian, you were involved in many wars between Mars and Earth and have taken these memories with you.
You were... an ancient Mayan
You were... an ancient Mayan
According to your answers, you were an ancient Mayan. Mayan were known to have disappeared form the earth a long time ago and were very in touch with the sky. They were very wise!
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