What TVD Family Are You In?
What TVD Family Are You In?
If you were in TVD, what family would you be in? Who would you related to?
If you were in TVD, what family would you be in? Who would you related to?

Which supernatural species is the best?
Which describes you best?
Choose a place.
Choose a superpower.
Which is the best villain?
Which character is your least favorite
Would you be willing to kill an innocent human on purpose?
What is most important to you?
If you were a vampire, would you take the cure?
Favorite human?
Who's your favorite Mikaelson?
Choose a witch(s)
You're a Mikaelson!
With seven siblings, Freya, Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik, and two parents, Esther and Mikael, you have one niece, Hope Mikaelson.
Freya is the first born and also a witch, and Henrik is the youngest of the seven, but was killed by a werewolf.
They will be your family always and forever.
You're a Salvatore!
Your siblings are Damon and Stefan, and your two parents are Lily and Giuseppe Salvatore.
The Salvatore family is one of the five Founding Families of Mystic Falls.
You're a Gilbert!
You happily have two siblings, Elena and Jeremy, as well as two parents, Miranda and Grayson Gilbert, who died in a car crash when Elena was still in high school.
You're family is one of the five Founding Families to discover Mystic Falls. This family is very loving and kind to everyone around them.
You're a Bennett!
You're related to Bonnie, Abby, and Emily Bennett. Your ancestors are witches and so are you.
The Bennett bloodline lived since first century B.C.E. Starting with Qetsiyah, the first known Bennett to live. She started to fall in love for a witch named Silas, and the two eventually got engaged. Qetsiyah soon granted Silas' wish to be immortal by creating a elixir to consume with each other on their wedding day. Silas soon betrayed her only to start desiccating in a tomb when Qetsiyah couldn't convince him to take the cure. Before Qetsiyah died, the Bennett bloodline continued.
You're a Lockwood!
Carol and Richard Lockwood are your parents, and Tyler is your sibling. The Lockwoods tend to be hotheaded and the werewolf curse runs in the family. You live in the Lockwood mansion, and your family isn't so fond of the Mikaelsons.
You're a Forbes!
Bill and Elizabeth Forbes are your parents. Your sibling is Caroline. This family dedicates themselves to protecting the city. From William Forbes being Sheriff to Margaret Forbes then to Gerald Forbes then to Bill Forbes and finally to Elizabeth Forbes of being Sheriff. This family is one of the five Founding Families to discover Mystic Falls.
You're a Donovan!
In your family are two siblings of yours, Matt and Vicki, as well as two parents, Peter and Kelly Donovan. All members in this family were human until Vicki was turned into a vampire. To Matt, protecting humans in Mystic Falls is the most important job. Everyone has learned how to be independent and do most things on their own.
You're a Parker!
You have eight siblings. Four of them being Kai and Jo Parker and Luke and Liv Parker. All the members in the Parker family are dead. The only living witches we have left from this family are Lizzie and Josie Saltzman. They are the twins of Alaric Saltzman and Josette Parker.
This is a family of witches in the Gemini coven.