Which Witch Are You?

Are you a brainiac like Hermione? Or are you an eccentric like Luna? Find out with this quiz.

Sausage Potato
Created by Sausage Potato(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

What house are you in?

Who is your wizard boyfriend?

How many children do you want/have?

What colour is your hair?

Choose a word to describe yourself



You are witty, caring, a quick thinker and BEYOND smart. you actually DO "pride yourself on being an insufferable know-it-all" because at least you're gonna pass your O.W.L.s! You go girl!



You are kind, wise, funny, and just a little weird, But hey! You do you girl!



You are smart, funny and have a fiery temper but you are fiercely loyal to all your friends! (plus you get the leading male *wink*wink*)

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