What is your spirit holiday?
What is your spirit holiday?
Find out what holiday you most match up with!
Find out what holiday you most match up with!
If you had a choice, what color would you dye your hair?
What would your favorite snack be to pass time?
What is your favorite type of animal?
Do you like to create art?
It's comic-con, would you make or buy a costume?
Your spirit is Halloween! You love a good scare. You are creative and artistic. Your favorite snack is candy. Better hope you get full bars!
Your spirit is Christmas! You are full of joy. You love the decorations and lights. Your in love with giving people presents to show them you care.
Your spirit is Thanksgiving! You love spending time with your family and having a good time!
Your spirit is Easter! You love color and being creative. This doesn't really mean your religous, but you could be.