What Harry Potter Dragon Are You?!?!

Are you a Swedish Shortsnout or a maybe the beautiful Antipodean Opaleye?

Sophie Adams
Created by Sophie Adams (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 25, 2015

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Hungarian Hortail

Hungarian Hortail

Supposedly the most dangerous of all dragon breeds, the
Hungarian Horntail has black scales and is lizardlike in
appearance. It has yellow eyes, bronze horns, and similarly
coloured spikes that protrude from its long tail. The Horntail has
one of the longest fire-breathing ranges (up to fifty feet). Its eggs
are cement-coloured and particularly hard-shelled; the young
club their way out using their tails, whose spikes are well
developed at birth. The Hungarian Horntail feeds on goats,
sheep and, whenever possible, humans.

Swedish Shortsnout

Swedish Shortsnout

Chinese Fireball

Chinese Fireball

(sometimes known as Liondragon)
The only Oriental dragon has a particularly striking appearance.
Scarlet and smooth-scaled, it has a fringe of golden spikes around its snub-snouted face and extremely protuberant eyes. The
Fireball gained its name for the mushroom-shaped flame that bursts from its nostrils when it is angered. It weighs between two and four tonnes, the female being larger than the male. Eggs are a vivid crimson speckled with gold, and the shells are much prized for use in Chinese wizardry. The Fireball is aggressive but more tolerant of its own species than most dragons, sometimes
consenting to share its territory with up to two others. The
Fireball will feast on most mammals, though it prefers pigs and humans.

Antipodean Opaleye

Antipodean Opaleye

The Opaleye is a native of New Zealand, though it has been
known to migrate to Australia when territory becomes scarce in
its native land. Unusually for a dragon, it dwells in valleys rather
than mountains. It is of medium size (between two and three
tonnes). Perhaps the most beautiful type of dragon, it has
iridescent, pearly scales and glittering, multi-coloured, pupil-less
eyes, hence its name. This dragon produces a very vivid scarlet
flame, though by dragon standards it is not particularly aggressive
and will rarely kill unless hungry. Its favourite food is sheep,
though it has been known to attack larger prey. A spate of
kangaroo killings in the late 1970s were attributed to a male
Opaleye ousted from his homeland by a dominant female.
Opaleye eggs are pale grey and may be mistaken for fossils by
unwary Muggles.

Wesh Green

Wesh Green

The Welsh Green blends well with the lush grass of its homeland,
though it nests in the higher mountains, where a reservation has
been established for its preservation. The Ilfracombe Incident
notwithstanding (see Introduction), this breed is among the least
troublesome of the dragons, preferring, like the Opaleye, to prey
on sheep and actively avoiding humans unless provoked. The
Welsh Green has an easily recognisable and surprisingly
melodious roar. Fire is issued in thin jets. The Welsh Green’s eggs
are an earthy brown, flecked with green.

Hebridean Black

Hebridean Black

Britain’s other native dragon is more aggressive than its Welsh
counterpart. It requires a territory of as much as a hundred square
miles per dragon. Up to thirty feet in length, the Hebridean
Black is rough-scaled, with brilliant purple eyes and a line of
shallow but razor-sharp ridges along its back. Its tail is tipped by
an arrow-shaped spike and it has batlike wings. The Hebridean
Black feeds mostly on deer, though it has been known to carry
off large dogs and even cattle. The wizard clan MacFusty, who
have dwelled in the Hebrides for centuries, have traditionally
taken responsibility for the management of their native dragons.

Norwegian Ridgeback

Norwegian Ridgeback

The Norwegian Ridgeback resembles the Horntail in most
respects, though instead of tail spikes it sports particularly
prominent jet-black ridges along its back. Exceptionally
aggressive to its own kind, the Ridgeback is nowadays one of the
rarer dragon breeds. It has been known to attack most kinds of
large land mammal and, unusually for a dragon, the Ridgeback
will also feed on water-dwelling creatures. An unsubstantiated
report alleges that a Ridgeback carried off a whale calf off the
coast of Norway in 1802. Ridgeback eggs are black and the
young develop fire-breathing abilities earlier than other breeds (at
between one and three months).

Peruvian Vipertooth

Peruvian Vipertooth

This is the smallest of all known dragons, and the swiftest in
flight. A mere fifteen feet or so in length, the Peruvian Vipertooth
is smooth-scaled and copper-coloured with black ridge
markings. The horns are short and the fangs are particularly
venomous. The Vipertooth will feed readily on goats and cows,
but has such a liking for humans that the International
Confederation of Wizards was forced to send in exterminators in
the late nineteenth century to reduce Vipertooth numbers,
which had been increasing with alarming rapidity.

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