5 Things You Can Do To Support A Day Without A Woman If You Can't Take Off Work
5 Things You Can Do To Support A Day Without A Woman If You Can't Take Off Work
The Day Without a Woman is a general strike planned by The Women's March on Washington, but not every woman will be able to strike. If you can't take off work or school, here are a few things you can still do to show your support.
The Day Without a Woman is a general strike planned by The Women's March on Washington, but not every woman will be able to strike. If you can't take off work or school, here are a few things you can still do to show your support.
March 8th is International Women's Day, and this year, the Women's March on Washington has organized a general strike, encouraging women to demonstrate the "enormous value that women of all backgrounds add to our socio-economic system — while receiving lower wages and experiencing greater inequities, vulnerability to discrimination, sexual harassment, and job insecurity." But not all women will be able to participate in the strike by taking off work. For many women this is either not financially viable or possible. If you can't take the day off of work for the strike, here are five things you can do to show support for the strike on March 8th.
But now, what we want to know is...
Will you participate in A Day Without A Woman?
Will you participate in A Day Without A Woman?