How Would You Meet Your Untimely End As A Harry Potter Side-Character?
How Would You Meet Your Untimely End As A Harry Potter Side-Character?
Did you look too long at the Basilisk? Were you offed by a nameless Voldemort crony in the battle of Hogwarts? Find out here!
Did you look too long at the Basilisk? Were you offed by a nameless Voldemort crony in the battle of Hogwarts? Find out here!

On a scale of 1 to one-legged house elf, how clumsy would you say you are?
On a scale of 1 to Seamus Finnigan, how likely would your magic be to backfire on you?
On a scale of 1 to Draco Malfoy trying to pet a hippogriff, how likely are you to turn down a dare?
On a scale of 1 to Harry Potter in invisibility mode, how likely are you to go somewhere you're not supposed to enter?
On a scale of 1 to Moaning Myrtle, how often do you eavesdrop?
On a scale of 1 to Molly Weasley, how likely are you to ask for help when you need it?
On a scale of 1 to Draco Malfoy agreeing to kill Professor Dumbledore for Voldemort, how likely are you to take on a challenge that is too large for you?
On a scale of 1 to Moaning Myrtle, how much time do you spend in the bathroom on any given day?
Staring Contest With The Basilisk
Staring Contest With The Basilisk
Never one to back down from a challenge, your friends dared you to a staring contest with a basilisk, and you naturally had to accept. In fairness, you won. You didn't have time to blink before you died. So, enjoy your afterlife with the knowledge that you beat that horrifying monster at something! Do you think this is how you'd die as an ill-fated Hogwarts extra? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see how they'd die in Harry's world!
Caught In The Crossfire At The Battle Of Hogwarts
Caught In The Crossfire At The Battle Of Hogwarts
We'd like to say you were being heroic at the Battle of Hogwarts when you died, and sure, you got a few great shots in at the bad guys, but the honest truth is that you were running for the toilet when you were hit. Just because there's a war raging on around you doesn't mean you stop needing to pee. Do you think this is how you'd die as an ill-fated Hogwarts extra? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see how they'd die in Harry's world!
Caught Sight Of The Grim
Caught Sight Of The Grim
Just like Ron's poor uncle Bilius, you saw a big black dog and mysteriously passed the next day. By mysteriously passed, we mean that the big black dog was rabid, bit you, and you weren't up to date on your shots and refused to go to the hospital. Sure, it's not the most magical end, but you were damn tough right to the end. Do you think this is how you'd die as an ill-fated Hogwarts extra? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see how they'd die in Harry's world!
Spell Backfire
Spell Backfire
Just because Seamus Finnigan can survive multiple explosions with everything but his eyebrows intact doesn't mean you can. Spellwork can be seriously dangerous stuff, and it looks like you flew a little too close to the sun. Literally. You levitated outdoors, dropped your wand, and flew off into the great blue yonder where you died from a lack of oxygen long before plummeting to your doom. Do you think this is how you'd die as an ill-fated Hogwarts extra? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see how they'd die in Harry's world!
Tripped And Fell Through The Veil
Tripped And Fell Through The Veil
Just picture it: you're on a tour of the ministry of magic. The tour guide takes you to see the infamous veil of death from which no one returns alive. You fully intend to stay behind the velvet ropes cordoning off the dangerous landmark, but then you drop your remembrall and watch it roll toward the opening. You try to bend over to pick it up, but all that happens is you lose your balance and fall straight through to the other side. That was unlucky. Do you think this is how you'd die as an ill-fated Hogwarts extra? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see how they'd die in Harry's world!
Drowned by Inferi
Drowned by Inferi
How did you even get into the spooky lake cave in the first place? Seriously we're baffled. Why were you down there? How did you get in? And why didn't you hop in the spooky boat instead of deciding to go for a swim? It's chilly down there. Obviously it wasn't a natural hot spring. We can't really explain this one, but that's how you died, friend. Do you think this is how you'd die as an ill-fated Hogwarts extra? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see how they'd die in Harry's world!