Judge People's Poor Life Choices, And We'll Tell You Which Golden Girl You Are!
Judge People's Poor Life Choices, And We'll Tell You Which Golden Girl You Are!
Do you have the perfect clap backs for people's stupid comments like Dorothy? Are you subtly shady like Rose? Are you blunt like Sophia? Are you creative Blanche? Find out here!
Do you have the perfect clap backs for people's stupid comments like Dorothy? Are you subtly shady like Rose? Are you blunt like Sophia? Are you creative Blanche? Find out here!

This gentleman seems to have no regrets about his new tattoo. Do you think he should?
This teen got her head stuck in a pumpkin. Do you have anything to say to her?
Uh oh. This is a bit of a rough parking situation. What do you think about it?
Oh no! Jenner panties! What do you think of this wardrobe malfunction?
Talk to us about these, well, bold brows.
This cowboy seems to have made a poor decision. What do you think?
Any thoughts on this wedding dress?
What about this family photo?
Finally, what do you have to say to this poor hungover woman?
You have the perfect clap back for every stupid comment and always know exactly what to say when people simply behave like morons. You're a sass genius, and you aren't afraid to speak your mind. Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below and share with your friends to see what they think!
You're as sweet as sugar, but that doesn't mean you can't throw a little subtle shade every now and then. Many people may think you're completely innocent, but let's face it. When it comes to putting a little verbal smackdown on people, you still know your way around. Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below and share with your friends to see what they think!
You speak your mind, and you don't care who hears it. Why should you when you're always right? You tell it like it is, and for better or worse, at the end of the day it makes the world a better place. Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below and share with your friends to see what they think!
You like to throw a little extra creativity into your verbal smackdown, and it makes every insult a joy to listen to, even if you're the person being insulted. Who could help but be charmed by your sharp wit and graceful demeanor? Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below and share with your friends to see what they think!