This Fortunetelling Quiz Will Tell You What To Avoid This Halloween!
This Fortunetelling Quiz Will Tell You What To Avoid This Halloween!
What do you need to steer clear of this spooky Halloween night? Find out here!
What do you need to steer clear of this spooky Halloween night? Find out here!

This Halloween, you have to watch out for rocks! Whether they're rocks in the middle of the road you could trip over while trick-or-treating, rocks that birds could drop on your head, rocks that Purgers could throw through your window, we're seeing a bit of a rocky road in your Halloween future this year. Will you be avoiding rocks this year? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what Halloween dangers they should watch out for!
This Halloween, you should definitely stay away from Jack-O-Lanterns. We know it'll be hard, but whether they're candle-lit pumpkins that might catch fire suddenly, Jack-O-Lanterns being used as substitute heads on horsemen, or giant Jack-O-Lanterns serving as the center of a town square, you should probably stay away. Will you be avoiding Jack-O-Lanterns this year? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what Halloween dangers they should watch out for!
This Halloween, you should really stay away from ghosts. Whether they're friendly ghosts, angry ghosts, sad ghosts, tiny children in ghost costumes or poltergeists, this Halloween is looking distinctly ghostly for you this year, and you should really avoid them at all costs. Will you be avoiding ghosts this year? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what Halloween dangers they should watch out for!
This Halloween, you should really stay away from masks. Whether they're Purgers asking to enter your home to murder you, ghostfaced serial killers, Freddies, Voorheeses, or clowns of any kind, you would do well to avoid masks of any sort this year. Will you be avoiding masks this year? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what Halloween dangers they should watch out for!