This Harry Potter Game Of Would You Rather Will Reveal Which Weasley Twin You Are!
This Harry Potter Game Of Would You Rather Will Reveal Which Weasley Twin You Are!
The ultimate question: are you Fred or George? Take your pick of some tricky situations and find out which of these famous trickster twins you are!
The ultimate question: are you Fred or George? Take your pick of some tricky situations and find out which of these famous trickster twins you are!

Would you rather go up against Fluffy or try to haggle for a better grade with Professor Snape?
Would you rather battle with a basilisk or be the person who has to tell Molly Weasley that Gilderoy Lockhart is a fake?
Would you rather see the Grim on the street or a boggart in your closet?
Would you rather get chased by a merperson with a spear or a fire-breathing dragon?
Would you rather try to steal all of Umbridge's kitten plates or try to steal every prophecy in the Ministry of Magic?
Would you rather swim through a lake of inferi or punch Dumbledore once in the nose?
Would you rather slap Dobby or spend fifteen minutes in Bellatrix Lestrange's presence?
Would you rather spend the afternoon in a room full of screaming mandrakes or spend the night on a bed of Devil's Snare?
Would you rather have to deal with Remus Lupin on a full moon or find a date to the Yule Ball?
Would you rather do detention with Umbridge or have to go to a Slughorn party that's just filled with clones of Cormac McLaggen?
You're Fred!
You're Fred!
Congratulations! You are the ringleader to end all ringleaders! When it comes to getting your friends and siblings into tons of trouble (and lots of extra fun), you're definitely the mastermind behind the good times. You're also incredibly loyal and the ringleader when it comes to doing what's right and helping the people you love. You're definitely a Fred! Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see which Weasley twin they are!
You're George!
You're George!
Congratulations! You are the single greatest joker of all time! Whether you're feeling good or feeling a bit hole-y, your comedic timing is perpetually flawless, and you're always ready to lend your sense of humor to the people in your life who need it the most. You can brighten even the darkest of days. You're definitely a George! Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see which Weasley twin they are!