Would Molly Weasley Approve Of You Marrying One Of Her Children?
Would Molly Weasley Approve Of You Marrying One Of Her Children?
Do you have what it takes to win the approval of the greatest mother-in-law in the history of literature? Find out here if you are worthy of Molly Weasley's love!
Do you have what it takes to win the approval of the greatest mother-in-law in the history of literature? Find out here if you are worthy of Molly Weasley's love!

First of all, which of Molly's precious children are you marrying?
How do you plan to propose to Molly Weasley's child?
How are you going about asking Molly's permission to wed her kid?
How much will you be involving Molly in the wedding planning process?
Pick a color scheme for your marriage to Molly Weasley's child. (If you think there are no wrong answers, go ahead. Pick the mauvey palette. Make Molly's day.)
Can you cook?
Where will you be spending Christmas?
Will you be giving Molly Weasley grandchildren?
Molly LOVES You!
Molly LOVES You!
Congratulations!!! Molly Weasley wholeheartedly approves of your addition to her family. She basically loves you more than the child you're marrying, which is saying a lot because pretty much everyone but Percy is her favorite, and if you're an amazing person who has earned the Molly Weasley seal of approval, you're probably not marrying Percy, are you? Now, of course the question is how much you love Molly Weasley. Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to find out if Molly Weasley would want to have them as a son- or daughter-in-law!
Molly Thinks Her Kid Could Do Worse Than You.
Molly Thinks Her Kid Could Do Worse Than You.
Okay, let's be real. You're a bit awkward, maybe even a little hard to talk to, or maybe you talk a little too much for Molly's taste. But you seem like a nice enough person. Just give her a hand with dinner and make sure you compliment her amazing cooking, and she'll warm up to you plenty after you give her some grandkids. Now, of course the question is how much you love Molly Weasley. Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to find out if Molly Weasley would want to have them as a son- or daughter-in-law!
Molly HATES You.
Molly HATES You.
I don't know what you did or who you must be, but Molly Weasley does NOT approve of your marriage to her beautiful ginger child. I'm not saying you can't work super hard and earn your way into her good graces, but be warned. It is not easy task. Mrs. Weasley may seem like sugar and spice and everything nice, but she can hold a grudge like nobody's business. Now, of course the question is how much you love Molly Weasley. Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to find out if Molly Weasley would want to have them as a son- or daughter-in-law!