Can You Identify the Four Types of Sentences?

Test your sentence structure knowledge with this handy quiz from the grammar experts at

Created by Scribendi (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Apr 7, 2016
1 / 8

Which components comprise a simple sentence?

2 / 8

If a simple sentence is made up of one independent clause, what components will you find in a compound sentence?

3 / 8

Time to get a bit more complicated. What types of clauses will you find in a complex sentence?

4 / 8

Just when you thought things couldn't get any trickier...tell me, what elements comprise a compound-complex sentence?

5 / 8

Let's test your knowledge. What type of sentence is this?

6 / 8

What type of sentence is this?

7 / 8

What type of sentence is this?

8 / 8

What type of sentence is this?

Questions left
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