Can You Locate All 29 Animals In This 90s-Style Wallpaper?
Can You Locate All 29 Animals In This 90s-Style Wallpaper?
There's a lot more to this old screensaver than meets the eye. Can you find all 29 of the animals in it?
There's a lot more to this old screensaver than meets the eye. Can you find all 29 of the animals in it?

Can you find the cheetah with longing in her eyes?
Can you find the tiger, despairing for his cheetah love?
Can you find the three-lion family gazing at the sky?
Can you find both of the parrots?
Can you find the elephant in the room?
Can you find both of the toucans?
Can you find the 8 other birds?
Can you find both of the macaws?
Can you find the panda who's ok with being crushed by a cat?
Can you find the giraffe that strangely resembles E.T.?
Can you find the super sneaky salamander?
Can you find the lemur who seems to be very alarmed?
Can you find the poor, motherless, infant chimpanzee?
Can you find the world's fluffiest koala?
Can you find the butterfly?
Can you find the gorilla who's ready for his closeup?
Can you find the frog?