German Police Got A Call About One Stranded Duck But They Ended Up Reuniting A Whole Family Of Them!
German Police Got A Call About One Stranded Duck But They Ended Up Reuniting A Whole Family Of Them!
Officers initially couldn't understand why the duck was so frantic, but then they met her eight ducklings and suddenly all became clear. Find out more here!
Officers initially couldn't understand why the duck was so frantic, but then they met her eight ducklings and suddenly all became clear. Find out more here!
When German police officers received an unusual phone call about a duck on the road, they had no trouble capturing it and placing it in a cardboard box to transport it to a more suitable area, but they could not figure out why the duck wouldn't calm down.
But then they heard some odd noises coming from a manhole, and things immediately became clear. On opening it up, they found eight little ducklings, all belonging to the frantic mother duck, in desperate need of help. The officers managed to get each of the ducklings out of the hole and back to their mother in no time, then finally took them to a suitable area for release, where they could all live happily as a family.
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