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Ivanka Trump Has Shared Some Very Cute Photos Of Her Kids In The White House

You may not disagree with her politics, but you have to admit the Kushner kids are pretty adorable...

Sally McDuck
Created by Sally McDuck
On Feb 9, 2017
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Ivanka Trump, who now advises her father with husband Jared Kushner, has recently had some pretty bad news, in the form of her fashion line being removed from Nordstrom and several other retailers. But regardless of how you feel about her clothes, her husband, her dad, or her politics, we think there's one thing we can all agree on: the cuteness of her children.

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Since arriving in D.C., Ivanka has posted several precious photos of her kids getting acquainted with the city and the white house.

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But some of her best Instagram moments have come with her youngest son, 10-month-old Theodore, of whom she recently posted:

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She also posted a video of Theodore learning to crawl in the White House, with help from big sister Arabella:

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So, now, what we want to know is...

Which of Ivanka's kids do you think is the cutest?

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Any other thoughts?Talk to us about them in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what they think!

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