These Ducklings And Their Mother Were Rescued From The Roof Of The Library Of Congress
These Ducklings And Their Mother Were Rescued From The Roof Of The Library Of Congress
After a joint effort between the Librarian of Congress and DC Police, a dozen ducklings and their mom were rescued from the roof of the library of Congress on Tuesday. Find out more here!
After a joint effort between the Librarian of Congress and DC Police, a dozen ducklings and their mom were rescued from the roof of the library of Congress on Tuesday. Find out more here!
On Tuesday afternoon, there was just a bit of an incident at the Library of Congress, when twelve ducklings and their mother were found stranded on the roof of the library of congress. Luckily, Carla Hayden, the 14th Librarian of Congress, was there to call in a team of police to help her save them!
Carla Hayden, 14th Librarian of Congress
After a daring rescue, all twelve of the little ducklings were collected in a cardboard box, and their mother was saved as well for re-release back into the wild!
On Twitter, Hayden said thank you to the officers who helped her rescue the little ducks.
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And her efforts did not go unnoticed.
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