99.9% Of People Can't Win Against Trump In A Debate, Can You?
99.9% Of People Can't Win Against Trump In A Debate, Can You?
How well would you do against the Republican Party's front-running candidate?
How well would you do against the Republican Party's front-running candidate?

Which expression best describes your response?
Congratulations! You're in the 5%! You could totally take him.
Congratulations! You're in the 5%! You could totally take him.
You could definitely handle The Donald in a debate! Hell, you would probably even win! You're quick on your feet and fantastic with facial expressions. You're definitely in it to win it!
It would be a battle of equals.
It would be a battle of equals.
This could really go one of two ways. Even though you're prepared and your micro-expressions are totally on point, it's the trick questions that might get you in the end, so watch out!
He would wipe the floor with you.
He would wipe the floor with you.
You don't stand a chance against the Republican Party's front-runner. It looks like The Donald is just too much for you to handle. It's OK though, because he's going to make America "Great" Again.