How Do You Score On The Official Psychopathology Test?
How Do You Score On The Official Psychopathology Test?
How do you fare?
How do you fare?

You're totally normal!
You're totally normal!
Everything's looking good here! You seem to have balanced emotions and relatively normal behavior based on your experiences. Sometimes you feel up and sometimes you feel down, and sometimes you just feel a little scared, which is totally OK! You also have a high self awareness, and a great ability for empathy!
You could be prone to depression
You could be prone to depression
Looks like you either have a mild case of the blues, or you could potentially be somewhat prone to depression. This means that you're incredibly sensitive and take your experiences quite personally. You are highly creative and imaginative and tend to see the best in people. Sometime you let things get to you too much and you struggle to get yourself out of that funk, but in the end you always find the strength to pick yourself up and power on!
You could be prone to anxiety
You could be prone to anxiety
Looks like you're either highly strung, or you could be somewhat prone to anxiety. This means that you're incredibly dedicated and hard working, but sometimes you tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You've been knocked down in the past and don't trust people easily, which makes you feel somewhat uneasy at times, but you tend to find ways to manage that fear and turn it into something positive!
You could be prone to OCD
You could be prone to OCD
Looks like you either pay outstanding attention to detail, or you could be prone to OCD. This means that you like order and predictability, and when things don't go quite according to plan, your brain goes a little haywire. You like routine and stability, and change definitely isn't your favorite, but you manage to find coping mechanisms that help you deal.
You could be prone to paranoia
You could be prone to paranoia
It would seem like you're either a big worrier, or you could be prone to having paranoia. This means that you've been through a lot in your life, which made you strong though sensitive. You're quite the people pleaser, and always try to put your best foot forward, which at times may seem like a lot of pressure, and makes you feel scared and uneasy. Despite that, you manage to overcome your fears based on what you've learned from your experiences and realize that sometimes, the world isn't out to get you after all.
You could be prone to having hysteria
You could be prone to having hysteria
Judging by your answers it would seem that you're either particularly sensitive or you could be prone to hysteria. This means that you tend to wear your heart on your sleeve and experience very intense emotions that you sometimes struggle to control. You welcome people into your heart quite easily, which does't always work out. You had a relatively happy life, which you tend to have mixed feelings about when you're feeling down. Despite that, you possess tremendous insight into other people and are particularly emphatic!