Take This Test To Finally Understand Your Own Thinking
Take This Test To Finally Understand Your Own Thinking
The ultimate rationality test.
The ultimate rationality test.

The Free Spirit (1% of the population)
The Free Spirit (1% of the population)
You tend to consider information without immediately disputing it unless given clear reason to do so. You usually trust your intuitions & you size up situations quickly and stick with your judgments once you’ve made them. Your mind is more qualitative than quantitative and you prefer to live in the moment. You certainly don’t waste a lot of emotional energy fretting about the future.
Approximately 1% of the population are Free Spirits.
The Explorer (7% of the population)
The Explorer (7% of the population)
You tend to consider information without immediately disputing it unless given clear reason to do so. You size up situations quickly and stick with your judgments once you’ve made them. You're good at thinking on your feet and you focus on the essence of ideas over the details. You tend to think clearly and comprehensively about the future.
Approximately 7% of the population are Explorers.
The Attorney (4% of the population)
The Attorney (4% of the population)
You have a powerful eye for detail and good instincts for evaluating the behavior of others. You tend to trust your intuitions and are comfortable with thinking on your feet and making snappy judgments. You usually focus on the essence of ideas over the details and tend to think clearly and comprehensively about the future. You also possess a fine-tuned BS detector.
Approximately 4% of the population are Attorneys.
The Rationalist (9% of the populace)
The Rationalist (9% of the populace)
You are an excellent reasoner in all respects of life. You dislike jumping to conclusions quickly and are adept at reflecting on your own thoughts. you take the time to re-evaluate the situation and figure out the wisest course of action. You treat new information and ideas with caution and skepticism and spurious arguments rarely fool or confuse you.
Approximately 9% of the populace are Rationalists.
The Detective (6% of the population)
The Detective (6% of the population)
You're often caught up in your immediate pursuits, which you attack vigorously and with determination and when it looks like your intuitions might be leading you astray, you don’t have a problem overriding them. You're good at working with numbers and are adept at putting your skills to use while solving problems in all sorts of real world situations. You don’t waste a lot of emotional energy fretting about the future. Instead, you focus on getting the most out of life right now.
Approximately 6% of the population are Detectives.
The Inventor (2% of the population)
The Inventor (2% of the population)
You possess an active, restless mind that constantly seek engagement. Your potent reasoning skills allow you to envision and realize complex ideas from beginning to end whenever you choose. You tend to consider information without immediately disputing it unless given clear reason to do so and dislike jumping to conclusions too quickly. You're an independent thinker and prefer to live in the moment.
Approximately 2% of the population are Inventors.
The Mediator (9% of the population)
The Mediator (9% of the population)
You tend to be rather relaxed and have a big picture worldview. You also have a quite strong propensity to question your own judgement. You tend to ponder life's big questions, which you consider in great depth and prefer to focus on the big picture over the nitty-gritty. You tend to be quite reflective and you take the time to re-evaluate the situation and figure out the wisest course of action. You prefer to live in the present and don't waste a lot of emotional energy worrying about the future.
Approximately 9% of the population are Mediators.
The Coordinator (Only 1% of the population)
The Coordinator (Only 1% of the population)
You tend to be quite detail oriented and are very adept and planning and thinking with numbers, but you also enjoy working in groups. You're good at planning events and making plans that involve both organizing people and dealing with logistics. You're quite intuitive and are good at thinking on your feet. You also tend to think clearly and comprehensively about the future.
Only 1% of the population are Coordinators.