What Are Your Two Most Surprising Personality Traits?
What Are Your Two Most Surprising Personality Traits?
Are you ready to unearth your inner personality?
Are you ready to unearth your inner personality?

Rate yourself on the scale: I like to be engaged in an active and fast-paced job
I enjoy having a wide circle of good acquaintances
I am more interested in a general idea than in the details of its realization
I often think about humankind and its destiny
I believe the best decision is one that can be easily changed
I think objective criticism is always useful in any activity
I trust reason over feelings
I am a person somewhat reserved and distant in communication
After prolonged socializing I feel that I need
to get away and be alone
I make an argument based on numbers and facts, not emotions or ideals
As a rule, current preoccupations worry
me more than my future plans
I'm strongly touched by stories about people's troubles
Confidence and Optimism
Confidence and Optimism
You're quite optimistic and possess a very warm personality, which, combined with your personal allure due to your oozing confidence makes you quite the romantic. Your style is pretty debonair which only compliments your seductive edge.
Humility and Grace
Humility and Grace
You have a peaceful nature and you tend to be quite protective of those you care about. You're hardworking and eager to try new things but you don't like to make a fuss about it. You are quite graceful in your demeanour and don't take things for granted. You're smart with money and usually find ways to get your money's worth.
Kindness and Charisma
Kindness and Charisma
You're a loving, loyal friend and are wiser beyond your years. Your kind and helpful nature makes you quite an enchanting person to be around as you dazzle everyone with your beautiful personality.
Courage and Composure
Courage and Composure
Even when the going gets tough, you retain your composure and use your wit to power through. You're quite courageous and practical and know how to deal with difficult situations. You love spending time with your friends and squeeze in a work out when you've got the time.
Honesty and Patience
Honesty and Patience
You're quite fun-loving and energetic. You don't sweat the small stuff and have plenty of patience when need be. You're also quite pragmatic and practical, but you don't like to brag.
Support and Intellect
Support and Intellect
You're a faithful friend and simply LOVE company! You have a powerful personality that draws others in, be it with your jokes or your superior intellect. However, you don't really let it all go to your head and you try to do your best to be kind and gracious to others.