What Your Nervous Tics Say About You?
Are you a nail biter or a hair twirler?
Scratching or rubbing your skin
Typically indicates the need to be soothed due to anxiety or high levels of emotion.
Flipping your hair
Tells the world that you want to be noticed. Can also be done in an aggressive manner to appear larger and more threatening.
Biting your nails
A signal of stress and frustration. Also a self-soothing act that offers a sense of comfort and security.
Twirling your hair
A cue of innocence. Also a means of relaxing.
Licking your lips
A sign of high anxiety where your mouth and lips dry up. Also a way to indicate your desire for something.
Touching Your Face
A self-pacifying gesture when a person is insecure or hiding something.
Tapping Your Foot
A sign of irritation or impatience.
Fidgety Fingers
Indicative of someone who is unfocused, bored or dealing with anxiety and stress.