What type of striker are you?

Through the answers you select in the following test we'll tell you if you're more like Morata, Alcácer, Mata, Cesc. Go for it!

Created by Sefutbol (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 3, 2016

When you wake up, how do you kick start your day?

I have to present something at work...

I've got 15 free minutes. I spend them...

I shop for food...

A friend calls you with a problem...

You're getting to the bus stop, but see it leave...

Inbox: 173 unread e-mails...

ID Photograph. My ideal pose is...

A couple of hours before bedtime. Let's watch TV...

Weekend. If I can, I...



Tienes clase, eres reflexivo y te tienes buen gusto en tu día a día



Eres directo, resolutivo, combativo, no das ninguna causa por perdida, tratas de llegar a todo



Te implicas en todo lo que rodea tu jornada diaria. Tienes múltiples facetas y en todas cumples con creces. Al final, siempre estás.



Mandas, ordenas, improvisas, resuelves... Tu genialidad es espontánea.



Tu capacidad para seguir creciendo día a día te lleva a estar entre los mejores. Tu tranquilidad deja paso a la creatividad cuando la situación lo requiere

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021