How Long Could You Survive ON THE RUN?
How Long Could You Survive ON THE RUN?
You're a fugitive... you're not Harrison Ford..... they're on your tail, how long will you run free!?
You're a fugitive... you're not Harrison Ford..... they're on your tail, how long will you run free!?

You need money. Which store do you rob?
Which type of weapon would you carry?
You're in a restaurant. They show your face on the news. The waiter see's then looks at you to get a better look. What do you do?
Who do you make contact with first?
You don't have room for all of these things in your backpack... what do you drop?
Which TV show do your survival skills come from?
Where will you stay at?
Which camouflage would you wear?
How long could your body last without food?
Will you try and leave the country?
You'll last only Days!
You'll last only Days!
Oh no, you poor thing! Who let you out of the house! It's not you, it's the culture really. We Americans have had all of a humans basic needs of food, water, shelter, and warmth for as long as we can remember, and as soon as one of those goes astray we go ape shit! I mean c'mon man, you were trying to drink your bodily fluids by day 2; what were you thinking! You can survive 3 days without water!
You'll last Weeks!
You'll last Weeks!
Hey there bud... what're you doin' so long away from home? What made you think you could fend for yourself on your own? I'm glad to see you can start a fire and force yourself to sleep on the cold ground, but this isn't you. It takes a certain mindset for survival and you figured out that you didn't have that by day two. However, you definitely are a tough son of a gun, so you lasted a few weeks by sheer will, but in the end it's all about the skill. Watch some real survival shows and try again one day!
You'll last Months!
You'll last Months!
Not bad, not bad! You've learned basic level survival skills, made good decisions, but this is certainly the path less traveled and it is not the easiest thing to subscribe to. You've done well to find yourself the essentials and keep off the beaten path, but the killer is that you just can't survive on the run. You didn't know how to set up a base camp, so you were just a rolling stone and even rolling stones get worn eventually... except for Mick Jagger, that guy's timeless.
You'll last Years!
You'll last Years!
Not a bad set up for yourself! You're definitely not the average survivalist, especially with that amazing spot you've been living out of! They've combed every countryside looking for you yet even the trappiest trappers can't even catch your scent trail, so you're on it. But in seclusion, humans do have a hierarchy of needs and being alone gets to anyone after a while, and that's where you slipped up. Oh well, don't be disappointed, you made a nice run!
You'll last forever because you are UNTOUCHABLE!!!
You'll last forever because you are UNTOUCHABLE!!!
Do you hear that? That's me standing up and clapping for you because rarely do survivors come along this badass and efficient! Surviving on bare essentials, playing it cool in dangerous situations, isolating yourself from your loved ones, you truly know the meaning of sacrifice and I don't think they'll ever find you. Besides, you've been living in a new country for ten years now, have 2 kids, and work as a farmer. This may not seem as wild as you usually like it, but it will do for now... it will do.