Test Yourself: Can a computer do this?
Test Yourself: Can a computer do this?
These ain't your granny's computers - welcome to the real information super highway!
These ain't your granny's computers - welcome to the real information super highway!

There are 1 billion personal computers in the world.
Computers have the perception and mobility of 5 year olds.
Computers can taste.
Computers lack the ability to look at objects we've never seen before and apply common sense to the situation.
Computers can actually handle quantum calculations.
Computers still can't beat our Chess champions.
Computers can identify who you are without even seeing your face.
Computers can create original, pleasurable music?
Computers analyze about 10% of all data ever created.
By 2020, it's predicted there will be over 50 billion things (computers, smartphones, smartwatches, etc.) connected to the internet.