What's Your Soul Dance?
What's Your Soul Dance?
From the Running Man to the Moonwalk, we're gonna figure out what makes you move!
From the Running Man to the Moonwalk, we're gonna figure out what makes you move!
Which part of your body do you move the most?
Do you dance alone or in a group?
Which dancing game did you play first?
Where do you dance more, public or private?
How much do you sweat when you dance?
How complex are your dance moves?
What color are your eyes?
What do people say when you start dancing?
Congrats! Do the Cabbage Patch, it's yours!
Congrats! Do the Cabbage Patch, it's yours!
You are now master of one of the simplest, easily recognizable, and coolest dances of all-time, the cabbage patch! With countless reiterations and literally two steps to the process the cabbage patch is a staple and going nowhere. You can preach it to your future grandchildren, talk/show then move on, and then tell them that "they don't know anything about this" until your heart is content!
Congrats! Do the Moonwalk, it's yours!
Congrats! Do the Moonwalk, it's yours!
Moonwalkin' straight to the top, it's a fact that not everybody can moonwalk - only a select few. However, your unabashed self-confidence lets you know that you are the one every time, so take all the time you need to yourself so that you never miss a beat. Being this casual and cool can often go to ones head, but like the moonwalk, you have to remain cool, calm, collective, and always silky smooth!
Congrats! Jump on it, it's yours!
Congrats! Jump on it, it's yours!
Oh you know the dance bromosabie, don't lie to Playbuzz! C'mon Tonto, you don't know this song? Oh yea, that's because a lot of people don't even know this song is called "Apache" made by the 1st rap group ever, The Sugarhill Gang! But yes, if this is your soul dance then you are all about the fun, ready to take each and every situation to another level at a moments notice. Stay wild, by all means, just look up "Tonto" in Spanish and make sure you know why you're tellin' everybody to jump on it!
Congrats! Do the Running Man, it's yours!
Congrats! Do the Running Man, it's yours!
"You ever feel like you're running somewhere, but you've got nowhere to go?'. Well yah, you were probably doing the running man dance, and there's nothing wrong with that! Being active, staying stationary, the dance is really perplexing when you think about it - but that's just the point, don't think about it. In fact, that's why this is your dance because you just go with what "is" and that will always take you far. Fair warning though, you may work up a sweat rather fast doing too much in one place, just know where you're running to next and you'll be alright!
Congrats! Do the Electric Slide, it's yours!
Congrats! Do the Electric Slide, it's yours!
The original funk on this electric slide was massive, now how did we get so lazy with the "Cha-Cha Slide" and "The Wobble"? Lo and behold, the electric slide is the dance craze that essentially started dance crazes... or at least gave dance crazes the chance to break out in weddings, bars, bat mitzvahs, and essentially any and every social event EVER. You are an enabler my friend, a stone paver. Please continue to show the people the light, have a good time, and don't keep those electric maneuvers to yourself!