Which Planet Should You Live On?
Which Planet Should You Live On?
Earth just isn't for you, is it?
Earth just isn't for you, is it?

How do you treat a crush?
Which of these describe you more?
Which of these numbers speak to you the most?
Would you consider yourself a "doer" or a "procrastinator"?
Which of these Sailor Moon characters is your favorite?
Are you a lucky person?
What's your favorite element?
Which do you like more, being hot or cold?
Pick a tarot card sign!
Welcome to the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest planet in our solar system! Prepare to live an intellectual life on this planet, as everybody is good at something and you better bring your skills to the table. You better hurry up though... an earth day is only 88 hours , and you can rest assured your cohorts will still get a considerable amount done. Stay focused, keep helping, and welcome to Mercury!
Welcome to Venus! You know, that place they say women are from? Regardless of sex, this planet is not only the 2cnd planet from the sun, but also the second brightest object in the night sky after the moon! Very similar to The Earth in size and mass, they say Virginia... I mean, Venus is for lovers. Prepare to be surrounded with a bunch of people who know they're beautiful... after all, Venus is the hottest planet in our Solar System!
Welcome to the big red planet with little green men! The supposed home of men from around the world, Mars is where the human race plays on setting up its' second home. Is there water there? Is there life there? Yes, yes, and more yes! In fact if you've got a good reason, you can be one of the candidates for a one way trip to colonize the Earth-like planet. Prepare for large dust storms, huge mountains, and a sun that's half the size of ours! Oh yea, and watch that new Matt Damon movie.
Welcome to Jupiter, where people get stoopider? No, we'll abandon that tired school-time line for now lol! Let's get straight into the facts of this gassy giant planet. Seriously though, idk if you really know how BIG Jupiter is, because it's crazy big. Then a day on Jupiter is only like 10 hours since it's spinning on its' axis so fast, oh and there has also been a storm as big as 3 Earth's raging for 350+ years so there's that... but yea, have fun there, be adventurous, and bring your gas mask!
Welcome to Uranus! Ahhh, the favorite planet of 4th grade dickheads across America! Why do they love Uranus so, so much? Ok, I'll stop with all of that lol, but welcome to the first planet discovered with a telescope! This place is called the ice giant because of its' ice core and its' the coldest planet there is. Bring a jacket!