Which Small Town Should You Move to?
Which Small Town Should You Move to?
Had enough of the hustle & bustle of society? Looking to get away to a more quaint, simpler life? Well take this quiz and get ready to GTFOH!
Had enough of the hustle & bustle of society? Looking to get away to a more quaint, simpler life? Well take this quiz and get ready to GTFOH!

What's your favorite season?
How close to civilization do you want to be?
Is nautical nonsense something you seek (do you like being around water)?
How much space would you like to have on your land.
Which of these food themed gatherings suit you the best?
Are you looking to be isolated (remember, things aren't always as good as they look lol)?
What's your favorite time to eat food?
How close would you like your nearest neighbor?
Would you like to be close to nature?
What kind of transportation would you like to use to get around your community?
You should move to an Isolated Log Cabin!
You should move to an Isolated Log Cabin!
I hope you have cabin fever, because that's where you need to go! Beautiful for any type of year, the isolated log cabin lifestyle is one with a world class work ethic who enjoys equally beautiful surroundings. It's good to be close to nature and not too close to your neighbors, and you can go out there and focus on the things in life that you may typically pass by. So pack up a bunch of food or bring your hunting supplies, because the call of the wild is echoing your name!
You should move to a Quiet Suburb Town!
You should move to a Quiet Suburb Town!
Welcome to your quiet suburban paradise! A place where everybody knows your name, people gather to eat and ask you do bring a dish, and not a single soul doesn't pick up their dog's sh*t! Is it so much to ask to be surrounded by a group of considerate people that respect the space of others? Of course not! This dream of a nuclear family in Anytown, USA with a white fence hasn't died yet, you just have to want it bad enough. Go get it!
You should move to a Beach Villa!
You should move to a Beach Villa!
Beach & Villa. Could you put two more irresistible words together!? There's nothing more satisfying than partying it up with other people who are equally as happy to be in the beautiful place you are all in, and that's what you get here. I"m talking festivals, dope food, and constant beauty at all times; one could say it could get old... but I don't think so! The best part is, you're close to the water and wildlife but exist with just the right amount of civilization to keep you sane... or crazy, whichever you prefer!
You should move to a Tropical Paradise!
You should move to a Tropical Paradise!
Shhhhhh. You hear that? That's right, the silence of that beautiful tropical paradise you always wanted, and now it's yours! Whether it's the isolation factor for you or the fact of being closer to water, your tropical paradise will be unencumbered by man and delightful! Waking up whenever, brunching at 3:00 PM, peacefully walking a mile in some direction for supplies, this is truly a beautiful life. So if you made it here, this is the life that was made for you! Go get it!
You should move to the Farm Country!
You should move to the Farm Country!
Oh give me a home, where the buffaloes roam! And the deeeeeer and the antelope playyyyyyy!!! Seriously though, there's nothing like Farm Country and it's also a good investment. Land is the one investment that you really have to mess up for it to go bad, and while you have it you can do anything you want on it! Why not grow some crops, why not raise some farm animals, why not take your ATV and turn an acre into Rob Dyrdek's Outdoor Fantasy Factory? There's all kinds of awesomeness in the wild, and as far away as you are with your farm you have your choice on how to experience it all!