What is your party personality?
What is your party personality?
Are you the one by the food table, or the social butterfly? Take this quiz to find out!
Are you the one by the food table, or the social butterfly? Take this quiz to find out!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
What picture appeals to you the most?
What situation would be the WORST
How do you celebrate?
What would be your dream job?
Social butterfly
Social butterfly
You're the social butterfly! You're often found socializing and chatting with random people, flirting with cute guys and enjoying the party. You are quite spontaneous and optimistic and will often bounce from person to person having a great time!
You are the foodie! You are often seen hovering around the food table, stuffing your face with whatever delicious treats you can find. When your mouth isn't full of yummy goodness, you're found standing close to the food table, waiting for the host to bring out something new!
Hardcore partier
Hardcore partier
You are the hardcore party girl/guy and is often seen standing on chairs, yelling and dancing or singing at the top of your lungs! You are quite full-on and tend to break things and spill things over in your energetic rampage of party fun!
You are the dancer! You are often seen busting some moves in the middle of the dance floor, wowing the crowd and dancing to the beat of their cheering and clapping. You enjoy nothing more than spinning and leaping to the DJ's epic beats.
You're the wallflower! You are often seen seated in the corner or on a quiet lounge somewhere in an unused room, keeping to yourself and would rather be at home curled up with a good book.
You're the DJ! You enjoy nothing more than mixing beats and blaring awesome music and would be found behind the turn table, pumping the crowd!
You are the host! You are often found buzzing around serving food, greeting guests and making sure everything is going well. You are quite organised and enjoy nothing more than planning parties and throwing them!
Life of the party
Life of the party
You are the life of the party! You enjoy nothing more than a party and would live your whole life just going to parties if you could. You can be found chatting to everyone, hitting it up at the bar or in the middle of the dance floor. You are quite an attention seeker and enjoy everyone's eyes on you!