What is your job within SHIELD?
What is your job within SHIELD?
Discover what you would do if you worked in the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Logistics Division.
Discover what you would do if you worked in the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Logistics Division.

You see a man stealing a woman's bag, what do you do?
What is your favorite song?
What have you trained in?
What is your favorite movie?
How many friends do you have?
If you could have a super power what would it be?
Like Agent May or Agent Ward you have been trained to solve any problem you encounter. You are kick ass and can take anything thrown your way. While you may appear to have a harsh, cold exterior you could just be protecting yourself from getting attached.
You are a scientist like Fitzsimmons. While the field you go into within science or technology is up to you, you exhibit a curiosity to know how things work. Once you get started on a project you have to follow it until you are finished. Leaving a problem unsolved vexes you and makes you want to pull your own hair out.
Field Agent
Field Agent
You are a Field Agent like Agent Coulson. You have been trained to be in the field but you haven't had as much training as a Specialist but you, unlike a specialist know how to work as a team. You calculate risks before you take them so you can limit casualties as much as you can. You are a good leader and make sure that everyone is contributing to their best ability.
Like Victoria Hand you are an administrator. You like to run backend on missions, controlling every move and making sure everyone remains safe. You find that in many aspects of your life you like to be in control of the situation, you don't like hearing no as an answer. As a result you don't frequently let people tell you no.