Online Defamation
Online Defamation
Test your self on what you have learnt after watching the video above!
Test your self on what you have learnt after watching the video above!

True or False: Calling someone “an idiot” is inherently defamatory in many jurisdictions.
If you disguise the subject of your story, he or she cannot successfully sue you for defamation
Editors of a print-based student newspaper can be held responsible for publishing a defamative statement even if it is made by someone else (for example, a statement in a letter to the editor, a senior quote or a personal ad).
Material published on an "Opinion Page" or as part of an editorial cannot be defamed
Cartoonists — because they are trying to be funny — cannot be successfully sued for defamation
All false statements of fact are defamationable
If a reporter can get three different sources to confirm the same factual allegation, he or
she cannot be successfully sued for defamation
Publishing an apology or retraction for a libelous statement will protect you from a
successful defamation claim.