What is your element?

Do you know your element? Fire? Water? Air? Earth? Only one way to find out...

Shannon Hall
Created by Shannon Hall(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 20, 2017

What is the element you most want?

Do you have a bad temper?

What's most important to you?

What's your favorite book?

Whats your favorite video game?



Your result is Air, air to some, can be calm, but may have an angry side. Air can spread the word, and is also known as a refresher. You may also be kind, calm, and you may have more control over your emotions. You may also connect, and help others as well. Your friends also may have great praise for you since you may help solve problems, and may always have a solution.



Your result is Fire, fire is angry, mesmerizing, hurtful, and creative. You may or may not, have angry issues, you may also get jealous easily, and maybe revengeful. (No offense.) Fire can be dangerous, but can be contained depending on the situation. You may get angry, but, also can give good advice. Fire, can calm some people, and some people may find it mesmerizing.



Your result is Water, water is calming, smart, creative, and sometimes, vengeful. You may be calm, but you may also have a vengeful side. Water can destroy, but, water can also be feared by others who are afraid of what is in it. People are afraid of the unknown, and water is one of the things that we don't understand fully about.



Your result is Earth, earth is caring, forgiving, and even unpredictable. Earth is beautiful, but, it can also shake and destroy. No one really knows what the earth will do next, but thats the beauty of it. The Earth is supposed to be explored, because it can be forgiving, and even trustful. You may be all of these.

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