Would You Join The Revolution?
Would You Join The Revolution?
Would you be storming the government headquarters/Capitol/Erudite building/castle/shack in the woods to save mankind? Or are you cowering in an alley somewhere hoping that neither side sees you?
Would you be storming the government headquarters/Capitol/Erudite building/castle/shack in the woods to save mankind? Or are you cowering in an alley somewhere hoping that neither side sees you?

You see someone being taunted in public. Do you:
How do you usually handle conflict?
You are told you MUST run a marathon. How far do you make it?
How are you with weapons?
Is there someone you know who you'd be willing to fight (and potentially die) for?
Be honest: Do you think you'd ever be able to kill someone in the uprising?
Could you pee in the forest and eat bark and be cold or wet or severely uncomfortable for long periods of time?
Do you have the power to persuade people? Would anyone listen to you?
Are you driven and/or competitive?
“Apparently, a woman can only go so long without a sword between her hands.”
“Apparently, a woman can only go so long without a sword between her hands.”
(From Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas)
You were part of the revolution before it even started. You've been poised to fight for as long as you can remember, and you will save whatever you planned to save.
"I was their Mockingjay long before I accepted the role."
"I was their Mockingjay long before I accepted the role."
(From Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins)
Yeah, you'll fight, and you'll save whoever needs to be saved. But make no mistake, you did not sign up for this. Although you'll also admit that you have kind of turned into quite the competent hero lately...
“There's always some relief in giving up.”
“There's always some relief in giving up.”
(Lauren Oliver, Delirium Stories)
Yeah, you're over it. Whatever the cause is, you are pretty sure you'd just be in the way. Or maybe you just hope that Netflix is still working during the end of days. Who knows, but either way, you're simply not joining in. You can likely be found in bed, cowering in a closet, or passed out in a field.