Which Disney Villain Does This Wicked Quote Belong To?

Just how well do you know your favorite Disney baddies?

Sharkandra Lawrence
Created by Sharkandra Lawrence
On Jun 2, 2017
1 / 15

I could use a challenge, because after hunting you, gathering up your little ape family will be all too easy!

2 / 15

Name's ____, Lord of the dead. Hi, how ya doin'?

3 / 15

Lies! Lies, all of it! Murderous thieves. There's not room for their kind of civilized society!

4 / 15

I'm a codfish!

5 / 15

I tire of your arrogance, old man. Bow to me!

6 / 15

Off with her head!

7 / 15

Mark my words, Gypsy, you will pay for this insolence.

8 / 15

So much for true love!

9 / 15

It's not right for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting *ideas*, and *thinking*...

10 / 15

Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?

11 / 15

Without the Genie, boy, you're nothing.

12 / 15

No spots! No spots at all! What a horrid little white rat!

13 / 15

I'm the king! I can do whatever I want!

14 / 15

You clumsy little fool!

15 / 15

Now, shall you deal with ME, O Prince - and all the powers of HELL!

Questions left
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