Which Member of the Rectory are You?

Do you have Michael's dashing good looks? Or Stephen's rugged handsomeness?

Sharlo Bayless
Created by Sharlo Bayless (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 26, 2017

If you weren't Catholic, what would you be instead?

So for real, how often do you do your laundry?

It's rainy and cold outside. What do you do?

Do you get crushes easily?

So be honest - who do you think of the most?

When you finish with classes for the day, what's the first thing you do?

Tell us about your ideal date.

What's your biggest fear?

How sure are you about the future?

What's your overall opinion of the Walshary?

Michael Moss

Michael Moss

You've got a big head sometimes and you're about as ridiculous as they get and everyone knows it. But you're also endearing, craving physical contact with friends and making magical mixed drinks. You have a winning smile, luscious hair, and give great back massages. People love you the more they get to know you because in the end, you've got a really great heart.

Stephen Santos

Stephen Santos

Ah, the one and only Shtephen! Plastered on a background of dumb jokes and Jacob-loving is real sincerity, kindness, and friendship. You're strong enough to carry Jacob on your shoulders and yet sensitive enough to cry when everyone is leaving to go abroad. You're a laid-back kind of guy about a lot of things, but also super paranoid about normal things. And regardless of your sub-par cooking skills and insulting jokes, people still love to have you around.

Jacob Lindle

Jacob Lindle

Some may call you the coolest kid out there. Others may say you're an annoying little dinosaur. Either way, there's no denying that people love you, (and no one more than Stephen Santos). You're funny, charming, and have a real thirst for truth and knowledge. While you can work on being more sensitive to those around you, you've shown real growth and maturity over the years. And in all honesty, you make a great Mr. Tumnus.

Jack Brooks

Jack Brooks

Ah, the forgotten member! You like to assert your independence from the group in various ways -- for example, by associating with different friends and pursuing a different vocation. You don't become attached to people too easily (and in fact, may sometimes be completely oblivious to invitations of friendship), but when someone gets your heart, they get it good (*cough cough* Abby). You're adventurous, boyish, and curious, and overall a cool person to know!

Nate Marti

Nate Marti

True, you may not be a true member of the Rectory, but you're talked about often enough that you might as well be. Although you have done enough in your life be known as "The Great Disappointment," you also work harder than any student, man, or machine. Underneath that tough exterior must be some real feelings that you don't know how to express. You might have terrible dance moves, but when you're dressed up, you're cute as a button!

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