Which Lethal Flower Is Your Revenge?
Which Lethal Flower Is Your Revenge?
Is your revenge the infamous Corpse Flower or the ancient Hemlock flower? Maybe the lethal Poison Queen? Let's discover which deadly flower is most like the desire for revenge burning in your soul!
Is your revenge the infamous Corpse Flower or the ancient Hemlock flower? Maybe the lethal Poison Queen? Let's discover which deadly flower is most like the desire for revenge burning in your soul!

Rate yourself on the scale: I often become angry.
I often fantasize about getting back at people who upset me.
I try to avoid confrontation as much as possible.
I've had my heart broken many times.
I don't hold grudges.
I tend to take revenge by being passive aggressive.
I always try to be the better person and take the higher road.
I'm deeply in-tune with nature.
I often invoke the spirit world to protect me.
I love answering questions about myself.
The Corpse Flower
The Corpse Flower
Your revenge is the lethal “The Queen of Stench”! The Corpse Flower, or the Titan Arum, is easily the smelliest flowers anyone has ever seen – hence the nickname Corpse Flower. Once it opens fully, the massive flower reveals its frilly edges and a thick clapper in the middle. The stench coming out of the flower is nothing less of appalling. The awful smell is caused by sulfur compounds. The flower first opens at night, and becomes so hot that it lets out some steam! Your revenge is this rare flower's deathly stench!
Poison Hemlock
Poison Hemlock
Your revenge is poison hemlock, aka "The Killer". Hemlock was a common ‘assassin’s choice’ in ancient Greece. It's believed that this murderous piece of flora was responsible for the death of renowned scholar and philosopher Socrates. The plant contains coniine and pyridine-type alkaloids in its roots and seeds. Young poison hemlock plants also contain these toxins. These substances cause death by attacking the neuromuscular junctions of the body, thereby causing a slow, painful death. Like Hemlock, your revenge is subtle, ancient and brutal!
Nerium Oleander
Nerium Oleander
Your revenge is the infamous "Sweetly Scented Killer"! This flower is known for her outstanding beauty. But do not be fooled, she is the ultimate lethal beauty! Nerium oleander, including the plant’s sap is pretty harmful. It is known that a single leaf from this flower is enough to kill a young human. Animals that consume this plant die within days of eating it. contains numerous toxic compounds, many of which can be deadly. Consumption of this plant will affect the heart and central nervous immediately! Sometimes the most dangerous things come in the most beautiful packages, and this is definitely true of your revenge: sweet yet deadly!
Dracula’s Flower
Dracula’s Flower
Your revenge is the extremely lethal Dracula's Flower, also known as the “Voodoo Lily”! When it blooms, this flower releases an extremely pungent odor akin to rotting meat. This is also its way of attracting flies which assist in pollination. All parts of the plant are poisonous if ingested and touching the plant may result in skin irritation or a severe allergic reaction. The Dracula’s flower or Dracunculus vulgaris thrives in shaded areas and is not at all friendly to direct sunshine. Like this deadly flower, your revenge is lurking in the dark corners of your subconscious, ready to strike at any moment!
The Crab’s Eye
The Crab’s Eye
Your revenge is the dangerous Crab's Eye, also known as "The Deadly Love Bean”. This strange flower is known scientifically as Abrus Precatorius and is believed to have originated from South East Asia. The seeds contain, abrin, an extremely poisonous chemical. It causes damage by attacking the body’s functions at the cellular level. When ingested whole, the rosary pea doesn't present any danger. But if the seed is scratched or damaged, it's deadly. In Holland, the poisonous seeds were combined with pearls to make jewellery! Just like Crab's Eye your desire for revenge isn't always deadly and can often be transformed into something more beautiful and healthy!
The Poison Queen
The Poison Queen
Your revenge is the infamous Poison Queen, or Aconitum! Also known as the devil’s helmet, this plant has stunning looks, but it is also one of the most dangerous plants in the world. It is known that toxins extracted from Aconitum were used to kill wolves in ancient times earning the name ‘wolf's bane’. Like this ancient flower, your revenge is incredibly dangerous. You aren't taking any hostages. We're not taking any chances with you!