Which Kane Chronicles character are you?
Which Kane Chronicles character are you?
Click to find out which member of the Kane family you are!
Click to find out which member of the Kane family you are!

What is your gender?
What is your favorite color?
Pick a symbol.
Pick a weapon (if ever needed).
Which place would you most like to visit?
Carter Kane
Carter Kane
You are very protective of your family and friends, and would do anything to ensure their safety. You tend to be a gentleman because of the way you were raised, and are usually thinking of how to solve your next problem. You are funny and usually stammer around members of the other gender. You mostly think outside the box and put others lives before your own.
Sadie Kane
Sadie Kane
You are sarcastic, rebellious, and often baffling with your sharp tongue and fierce nature. You're not afraid of breaking rules. You are also strong-minded and stubborn as much as you are caring and kind.
Amos Kane
Amos Kane
You are kind, easy-going, and gentle. You are very loving towards your relatives and truly wants what's best for them. You are also extremely intelligent and knowledgeable.
Julius Kane
Julius Kane
Although you can be harsh and single-minded, you are also loving and often use your strict manner to ensure your loved ones' safety. You exude confidence, but have another, nervous side to you that has been likened to a hunted man. You can be somewhat overbearing and may make demands of people that they cannot meet, and are a terrible liar, but no amount of pestering can get out the truth.
Ruby Kane
Ruby Kane
You display selflessness and kind behavior, and would sacrifice yourself for your loved ones. You are not much good at hiding your true feelings.