Which Magnus Chase Character are you?
Which Magnus Chase Character are you?
Choose the correct answers to find out if you are one in a Magnus, or an ordinary alf.
Choose the correct answers to find out if you are one in a Magnus, or an ordinary alf.

What is your gender?
Pick your weapon
Favorite accessory?
What reward would you have?
What is your favorite color?
Magnus Chase
Magnus Chase
Magnus Chase is a sixteen-year-old homeless teenager who lives in Boston, Massachusetts.[1] He is the Norse demigod son of Frey[2] and Natalie Chase, as well as the cousin of Greek demigod Annabeth Chase. After dying and becoming an einherji, he lives his afterlife in Hotel Valhalla.
Samirah al-Abbas
Samirah al-Abbas
Samirah "Sam" al-Abbas is Magnus Chase's Valkyrie and is the demigod daughter of Loki. Can shape-shift and, in Valkyrie form, fly. Arab-American and dreams of being a pilot.
Blitzen (Dwarf)
Blitzen (Dwarf)
Blitzen is a Svartalf dwarf son of Freya, and a friend/cousin of Magnus Chase. Posing as a homeless man, he, along with Hearthstone, was watching over Magnus per Mimir's orders. Obsessed with fashion- a total clotheshorse- and carries an emergency parachute.
Hearthstone (Alf\Elf)
Hearthstone (Alf\Elf)
Hearthstone, more commonly known as Hearth, is an Elf formerly disguised as a homeless man[1], and a companion of Magnus Chase. He uses rune magic and is deaf, forcing him to use ASL which is argued to stand for Alf sign language rather than American sign language.