Which Office In White House You Are Meant For?
Which Office In White House You Are Meant For?
Not happy with what you're doing now? Not sure which careers might suit you? Try this fun quiz to discover which office you are meant for in White House. Quiz by http://sarkarinaukrialarm.com/
Not happy with what you're doing now? Not sure which careers might suit you? Try this fun quiz to discover which office you are meant for in White House. Quiz by http://sarkarinaukrialarm.com/
What would be your ideal working environment?
Which part of a news site or newspaper do you turn to first?
Which book would you rather receive as a gift?
How would you spend a free hour at work?
What would you buy with your holiday bonus ?
From the list below, which word best describes you?
What's your ultimate goal with your job?
National Security Council
National Security Council
You are honest and trustworthy person. You like to pay attention to details. You have an even temperament. Common sense is another prized quality in you. You will become a good National Security Council at White House
Office of Administration
Office of Administration
You are best administrative professional, aren't just supporting players. You add value in a way that makes them critical to an organization's. You always Keep your eye on the bottom line and think outside the administrative assistant box. You will soon become a Administrative Officer at White House
Office of Management and Budget
Office of Management and Budget
You like to carry yourself well, always. You are a trendsetter among your team members. People automatically start following you. You are punctual and fully committed towards your organization. You should join Office of management in White-House asap.
Office of the Vice President
Office of the Vice President
You are great leatder and always believe in taking risk. You must be Innovative and Empathetic. You are deeply passionate about Justice and are deeply about a group of people. You will surely become the Vice President of White House
Office of the First Lady
Office of the First Lady
You are person who prioritizes her family over her first lady duties. You always belive in giving back to the community and you are not afraid to speak your mind or show your displeasure. You have all the qualities of being the Fist Lady of White House
Office of National Drug Control Policy
Office of National Drug Control Policy
You are a workaholic & flexible about your work hours, and shift work as necessary. You have a good physical stamina to conduct investigations. You are determined towards your work and complete it satisfactorily. You should definitely apply for Office of Drug Control Policy this year.