Which Sacha Baren Cohen Character Are You?
Which Sacha Baren Cohen Character Are You?
Sacha Baron Cohen has a lot to answer for; thanks to him Home Counties posh boys try and sound like Ali G and everyone who wants to prove they have a sense of humour puts on a mankini, even though it was only funny when Borat did it. Baron Cohen might just do it again with Nobby, the father-of-nine benefit cheat with a penchant for the larger lady in the new belly-laugh filled action-comedy Grimsby. Take our quiz and find out which one of Sacha Baron Cohen's characters you're most like.
Sacha Baron Cohen has a lot to answer for; thanks to him Home Counties posh boys try and sound like Ali G and everyone who wants to prove they have a sense of humour puts on a mankini, even though it was only funny when Borat did it. Baron Cohen might just do it again with Nobby, the father-of-nine benefit cheat with a penchant for the larger lady in the new belly-laugh filled action-comedy Grimsby. Take our quiz and find out which one of Sacha Baron Cohen's characters you're most like.

What's most important to you in a partner?
What do you say in times of happiness?
What facial hair do you favour?
Who's your favourite musical artist or group?
What's your tipple of choice?
What's your favourite meal?
What would you wear on a date?
Describe your perfect day.
What do you ask for when you get a haircut?
How many children do you have?
You're most like Bruno, the gay Austrian fashionista who thinks top designers have saved more lives than doctors. Haters might call you shallow, vain and self-obsessed, but what do they know? They probably wear sweatpants in the street, right? You know you're fabulous, so ignore all criticism and carry on just the way you are.
You're most like Borat, the Kazakh TV journalist with a love of skimpy beachwear. You are a staunch traditionalist who celebrates the old-fashioned way of life when a man and his wives could go out shooting dogs without any fear of sanction from the dreaded PC brigade.
Ali G
Ali G
You're most like Ali G, the intellectually-challenged main man of the Staines massive, with a love of 'herbal' cigarettes, fried chicken and fizzy drinks. You're a man of simple pleasures, and despite constant harassment from the police for your beliefs (and petty crimes/anti-social behaviour) you maintain an endearing child-like naivety.
You're most like Nobby, the chubby-chasing, multiple-child fathering, Grimsby-dwelling benefits cheat. While you don't have silver or gold, you've got all the riches a man could want - the love of a good woman, the happy, smiling faces of your cherubic children and an illegal Sky Sports stream.