Would you end up in The Good Place or The Bad Place
Would you end up in The Good Place or The Bad Place
Are you a good enough person to get what you want from the afterlife?
Are you a good enough person to get what you want from the afterlife?

You're invited to DJ at a friend's party. What type of music do you play?
Have you ever taken off your shoes and socks on a flight?
You're ordering a takeaway, and your two options are Indian or Chinese. Which do you plump for?
Do you like frozen yoghurt?
Choose a drink
This guy wants to talk to you about the environment. Will you listen?
You're in a sticky situation - what is your first instinct?
Have you ever sold drugs?
How big a Beyoncé fan are you?
Have you ever murdered anyone?
Have you ever committed arson?
What are your thoughts about California funk-rock band the Red Hot Chili Peppers
What does it say on your number plate?
Have you ever reheated fish in an office microwave?
Have you ever appeared on, or actively enjoyed, any prominent romance-based reality shows like The Bachelor or The Bachelorette
Congratulations! You made it into The Good Place
Congratulations! You made it into The Good Place
Well done, you've lived your life perfectly and if you died tomorrow, you'd end up in The Good Place
Tough luck, you're going to The Bad Place
Tough luck, you're going to The Bad Place
Sorry, you're going to hell, but you probably knew that already, didn't you. You probably shouldn't have gone to that Chilis gig.