Which Wayward Pines character are you?

Take the quiz to see which Wayward Pines character you are? Watch Wayward Pines Marathon on Sunday 19 December

Siphilile Shelembe
Created by Siphilile Shelembe(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 19, 2016

Which subject did you enjoy at school?

How do you handle stressful situations?

What's your weapon of choice?

Rules are..

If someone commits a crime they must be...

Which career would you choose?

What scares you the most?

CJ Mitchum

CJ Mitchum

You're like CJ Mitchum. He's a duster and has deep knowledge about how Wayward Pines work's. CJ's seen a lot about the human race and believes that humanity is doomed.

Ethan Burke

Ethan Burke

You're more like Ethan Burke who is made town sheriff after he put some pieces of the puzzle together. He likes challenges and is a family man even though he has had some questionable exchanges with Kate. He's a visionary.

Kate Hewson

Kate Hewson

You're like Kate who is aware of what is going but tries to make peace with issues. She's also skeptical and can be a rebel when she feels that it's necessary.

David Pilcher

David Pilcher

You're like David Pilcher who is the brains behind Wayward Pines. He's a revolutionary and he saw the extinction of the human race before it happened. He's a firm believer of rules and regulations and being punished if there are broken.

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