Which Baltic God/Goddess Are You?
Which Baltic God/Goddess Are You?
Have you ever wondered who were/are the last pagans in Europe? Baltic Gods were never forgotten. Lithuanians have so many however who from the main ones do you resemble the most - Perkūnas, Žemyna, Vėlinas, Ragutis, Milda or Laima?
Have you ever wondered who were/are the last pagans in Europe? Baltic Gods were never forgotten. Lithuanians have so many however who from the main ones do you resemble the most - Perkūnas, Žemyna, Vėlinas, Ragutis, Milda or Laima?

What is the most important for you?
Choose an animal from the below:
Favourite colour from below:
Favourite drink:
What is your choice of weapon?
Your best quality:
Choose a symbol:
You are Perkūnas! He is one of the most powerful gods. The God of power, courage and honour. Perkūnas is the ruler of thunder, skies and fertility.
As Perkūnas you're a natural leader and have a strong personality. In ancient times you would have been a great warrior however even now you always fight for what you believe in. Honour and success matter the most for you.
You are Žemyna! She is the Goddess of the Earth, the mother of every living being. Žemyna loves life. She sees people as a part of nature and helps and supports those who spare it. Žemyna is the most potent of the Goddesses. Although Žemyna is ready to punish for crimes against nature, in general she is good-hearted and loving – like nature itself.
As Žemyna you're a loving person, always full of energy and trying to make the world a better place. You're multi-talented and people feel they can count on you. Despite being very kind you know how to stand for what you care for.
You are Vėlinas! He is the Lithuanian God who takes care of the souls of the dead. In Lithuanian, Vėlinas means approximately the lord of souls. He takes care for the course of justice related to rebirth. He always takes the final decision. Vėlinas controls how the souls pass to the other side and how they are reborn with new bodies.
As Vėlinas you always do what is right. Justice is your priority, you're always doing what's right and avoid being biased. Some people are afraid of you but everyone knows they can count on you when needed.
You are Ragutis! He is the God of beer, mead and alcoholic beverages. Him together with Ragutienė and Raugžemėpatis are the holy trinity of beer Gods. For Lithuanians it is a sacred drink and has a much deeper meaning than to the rest of the world. Ragutis is also a God of fermentation allowing to preserve the food for winter.
As Ragutis you're a true party spirit, you're always fun to have around and you give joy to the people. Even though you might seem to be a bit careless, you're a very important figure and you can be very serious when needed.
Milda is the Lithuanian Goddess of love, friendship and freedom. She is the worst enemy of loneliness. Milda does not care about marriage. In her eyes, matrimony is secondary to love and friendship. Milda means freedom for her worshipers.
As Milda you're a free spirit. You have a very charming personality and you're always surrounded by your admirers. You are always finding new friends and you do not worry too much about long terms when it comes to relationship, you rather enjoy the moment. You always get the most of life.
You are Laima! The Goddess of destiny, luck, and happiness. She is a Lithuanian Goddess who takes care of the birth and destiny of everybody. When a baby is born, Laima decides what it will be in general: good person or bad, lucky or unlucky, strong or weak, etc. The Goddess draws the general lifeline for everybody.
As Laima you're very creative and decisivel. You're always full of energy and new ideas. The happiest moment for you is when you are in control of the situation and can express yourself. Despite that you also care about others and always involve other people in your plans.