What Role Do You Play In Your Squad?
What Role Do You Play In Your Squad?
SKOUT recently surveyed more than 3,700 members of our community members to learn about their goals for 2016. We found, no matter what the goal, friends are the key to helping you succeed. What role will you play in helping your friends meet their 2016 goals?
SKOUT recently surveyed more than 3,700 members of our community members to learn about their goals for 2016. We found, no matter what the goal, friends are the key to helping you succeed. What role will you play in helping your friends meet their 2016 goals?

You never leave the house without your...
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What’s your greatest strength?
How do you help your friend through a breakup?
What’s your idea of an amazing weekend getaway?
What class did you ace in high school?
Who is your idol?
What's your favorite movie?
The Fashion Expert
The Fashion Expert
You’re always on trend and are the person your friends go to for fashion advice. Your friends welcome your honest opinion on what they’re wearing. They trust your judgement when it comes to what’s hot and what’s not.
The Gym Buddy
The Gym Buddy
When it comes to working out, you’re no slacker. That’s why your friends go to you to be their gym buddy! They know they can depend on you to never miss a workout and push them to do those squats they’ve been neglecting.
The Health Nut
The Health Nut
Your body is your temple and you treat it with respect by eating healthy. When your friends need someone to help them diet, they turn to you because they know you will keep them on track with all the kale and flax seeds they need to kick that sugar habit.
The Relationship Expert
The Relationship Expert
You have an amazing ability to keep your cool when it comes to a new flame. While you're a fan of romance, you're also a realist, which is why your friends know they can count on you for solid advice when it comes to their own relationships.
The Go-Getter
The Go-Getter
You know where you want to be in five years and you know how to get there, whether it comes to brushing up your resume or networking to work your way up the ladder. Your friends know they can count on you for career advice.