What Dark character are you?
What Dark character are you?
This quiz will find out what Dark character you are most like. Search ShuggaRush for more images like these drawn ones.
This quiz will find out what Dark character you are most like. Search ShuggaRush for more images like these drawn ones.
What is your life goal?
When watching a film or TV series, who to you empathise more with
Where would be your home?
What feeling describes you most?
You're in a fight, what to you use to your advantage to win?
Evil is winning the war and you have to fight. What/ Who do you chose to fight for?
Just like Rachel you're innovative, creative and are quite quick witted. You fight for the side of good and what you believe in, and if someone hurts someone close to you they better watch out! You like the good life in your palace but aren't afraid to get down and dirty to have fun, and maybe fight evil along the way.
Claratina is a fighter on the side of good but you may not always be sure what side she really believes in. You're quite mysterious, maybe even not sure what you truly believe in yet- only that you'll protect those you care for. The palace life is ok but you'd prefer to go on adventures in the outdoors.
Toby, like you, can have a fiery temper at some points (pun completely intended). You sometimes lash out even at the people you care for, and you can struggle with expressing your feelings. But everyone knows you're good.
Like Sky you're a bit of a loner and can be ruthless at times. You live for yourself and maybe just one other person. You can be sneaky but if you need to fight you will take them down no matter what. You're on your own side and the one thing you're best at is surviving no matter what the cost is.
You can be the jealous type sometimes, and not sure who you should be fighting for. You've might have changed from who you used to be but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.You're finding more people you like and are more comfortable in your own skin, showing who you truly are without fear, though sometimes you can have a hard shell protecting yourself.
If you're like bee then everybody loves to be around you. You're great with jokes and always know how to lighten the mood, but sometimes you can be a bit clumsy. People may see you as a bit of a fool but at least you defiantly know where you stand- on the side of good- and when some ass-kicking needs to happen, everyone can depend on you to speed over and save the day. You can sometimes be in a bit of trouble and don't want people to help you, but even though you may not realise it people do care for you.
Like Loki, you feel mis-understood. Though everyone may see you as 'evil' that's not how it is in your point of view. you've been wronged and want to take back what's yours but sometimes you can be blinded from your true quest and get distracted by things along the way, things that seem to help you- give you more power- but eventually you'll keep going after more power even though that's not what you really want. For you, it may not be power. It could be money, or friend-collecting that stop you from getting what you want. You need to sit down and think about what you really want, maybe then people won't see you as a vilian but remember, there will always be people you can rely on who can help you no matter what point you're in at life.
Thomas is very caring just like you. He's the responsible one looking out for all his friends and family. Just remember to treat yourself once in a while instead of focussing on other people.