6 really important Ways to Motivate a child to learn you can be that person that helps them

Play is the highest form of research- Albert Einstein

Skylar Strait
Created by Skylar Strait (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 20, 2015

Make it fun, Make them wan't to participate with you

Children have very short attention spans especially younger children, so if you're going on the same subject for an hour do not be surprised when all of your students are up and around the room looking for things to learn! Sing songs, Ask Questions, Do a Dance, Play Instruments, Read a story that gets them moving. These are just some of the endless ideas to do with children to get them to open up their minds.


Do Projects- Get them doing creative things

Finger Paint, Build things with Play-Do, Do a Holiday Craft, Have them draw themselves. If you sit down and do a project a day or several, I believe children will grow more creative each day.


Find out what their interests are and have them act them out

Say a child wants to be a Doctor, let the child put some cheap bandaids on a stuffed toy, or have them check their temperature. The child has an interest for this,now are they going to be a Doctor someday who knows but for right now in their life this is what interests them so you should be helping them be excited about learning!


Set up stations in the Classroom

Different stations such as Math Center, Arts and Crafts, Science or Literature Centers could be set up to really see what your students want to learn. For Math you could set up a Counting Game with a theme, For Arts and Crafts have the children draw their families, for Science have a sensory table available, and for Literature have books out and have the students come and tell you what they learned from the stories.


Praise them !

Praise is extremely important, kids need to hear it if they can work on things tell them that but tell them what they are doing right and also let them know where improvements are needed. Say Sara is excelling at learning how to read but is lacking in counting to 10. Let little Sara know you are doing so great trying and I am so happy you are asking questions. Maybe I can sit with you and you can count with me and then she can try to count with you and if she gets frustrated praise her for trying.


Take the children outside

There is a whole world outside the walls of that classroom, take those young minds outside and go for a walk, pick flowers, talk about the different colors and what the weather is like.

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