Freezer Burn is nasty so use these 5 tips to avoid it
Freezer Burn is nasty so use these 5 tips to avoid it
Never get freezer burn on your food again and stop throwing money away!
Never get freezer burn on your food again and stop throwing money away!
Don't mess with your Freezer's temperature often
Alternating your freezer's temperature can cause freezer burn quickly and not to mention possibly make your food in there unsafe to eat. The Freezers temp should be below 0 degrees no higher actually lesser the better got it. You should only need to play around with your refridgerators/Freezers thermometer once you are setting it up after that it should stay pretty consistent.
I know it happens but really try to avoid leaving the Freezer door open even a crack can do harm
We're talking about Health, Energy wasted and Freezer Burn this time. Once the Freezers door opens, temperatures from your home start to rise in the Freezer and food can quickly become bacteria city. Now no brainer this is a lso a big Energy waster and Now freezer burn, once that doors open the Freezer may naturally turn on and really cool things quite quickly and anything that is pushed towards the way back or front is going to get freezer burn. Anything more towards the middle may be ok but don't count on it. So shut the Freezer door!
Fill up that freezer but not all at one time
Say for example you just cooked a huge Thanksgiving Dinner and already cooled leftovers in the Fridge and now wan't to transfer them to the Freezer, well here's what you do take all of the meat first and make sure it is well wrapped and add that to the Freezer first, then the pies and Veggies can go next just take your time. If you add to much at one time that freezer has to overwork to start to cool down all that food you just added which typically means Freezer Burn has a 50% chance of happening anyways, so to avoid this add a little over time throughout the day and space out the Freezer.